In what is described as “an 8 year old’s fever dream,” New York Times bestselling author introduces us to Bill Waddler. Bill is a duck who dreams of being smothered by farting snakes. He also has a special gift. He is able to hear appliances complain. Imagine what toilets would complain about. Bill doesn’t need to imagine. While working as a cash-only hay seller (that doesn’t accept credit cards), Bill doesn’t know that he, and a very confused orange juice sales clerk, are about to save the world. If you could hear this book complain, it would be saying “where have you been all my life?”

Attack of the Stuff, Jim Benton
May 26, 2020

Yes, I would have to say that back copy perfectly describes this book. It is seriously one of the funniest graphic novels I’ve ever read. It’s one of the funniest books I’ve ever read. Sure, it may claim to be Middle Grade, but the humor and wit in this book is MacArthur Fellowship levels of genius.

This is a warning. This book will make you have to go to the bathroom at some point while reading it. If you buy this for a younger person that still has a “bed time” don’t get mad at them when you hear them cackling at three a.m. because they won’t put this book down. Also, don’t get mad at them when their sense of humor and comedic timing is better than yours.

This book has to be one of the most clever books I have ever read. Bill is the type of hero you root for, Kris is the type of friend you wish you had, and the fact that all stuff talks to Bill is literally the funniest things I have read all year. Every single speech bubble is funnier than the last one when it comes to the stuff. Now, I know what you’re thinking. The back copy describes this as “an 8 year old’s fever dream” so that must mean all the jokes are about poop, farts, and butts, right? WRONG! The jokes and complaints of the stuff are like miniature deep-dives into the potential psychological traumas and esires of every day household appliances. Not only that, but also, all the characters are anthropomorphic except for snakes for some reason. There are literally countless golden nuggets of humor and whit in this story.

I guess that’s why the fever dream description is so perfect. This story is a couple chapters of apparent absurdity that ultimately all makes perfect sense. The type of humor that relies on absurdity often falls flat narratively or in attempting to have a meaning. This story does not. Bill Waddler is such a good protagonist because he is all of us. He might be having a nervous breakdown at the start of the book, but by the end, he’s us. Attack of the Stuff is hopefully one of many Bill Waddler adventures. Right now, being surrounded by all your things, this book may be the perfect book to brighten your outlook on our current situation. If you need a laugh and you need to escape the absurdity of our world, take a dive into Bill Waddler’s world for a while. You won’t regret it, you’ll thank me for it, and you’ll laugh the entire time.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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