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Praise for The Secrets We Bury

 “A gripping novel that will tug on readers’ heartstrings until the very end.”–Booklist

 “A sensitive, funny, and sometimes awkwardly romantic story of survival and self-awareness.”— Kirkus

9781492654209-300RGB.jpgSeventeen-and-a-half year old Dylan Taggart is on the run. His family is trying to put him in a school for psychologically challenged students. Dylan realizes he’s had some anger issues and he’s a complete loner, aside from the friendship of his cousin Emily, who he calls the other pea in his pod. But he knows the Believers Charter School is not the place for him. As the investigators his mother has hired close in on him, he decides the Appalachian Trail, a hike that takes approximately six months––the exact length of time he needs to stay off her radar until his eighteenth birthday––may be the perfect place to hide out until he can legally drop out of school.

Except Dylan needs people more than he’d like to admit.  And  the biggest surprise is a hiker named Sophie, whom the other hikers call “the ghost.”  Dylan finds a bond with Sophie he’s never had before with anyone, and slowly they confide the secrets of what they’re each running from.  Trusting someone is scary, but Dylan is about to find out that sometimes love is more important than keeping promises, and some promises are made to be broken.



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The Secrets We Bury publishes March 6, 2018

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stacie-13.jpgStacie Ramey learned to read at a very early age to escape the endless tormenting from her older siblings. She attended the University of Florida where she majored in communication sciences and Penn State where she received a Master of Science degree in Speech Pathology. When she’s not writing, she engages in Netflix wars with her children or beats her husband in Scrabble. She lives in Wellington, Florida with her husband, three children, and two rescue dogs.

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Other Works by Stacie Ramey:

 The Sister Pact

Who holds your secrets?

Allie is devastated when her sister commits suicide—and it’s not just because she misses her. Allie feels betrayed. The two made a pact that they’d always be together, in life and in death, but Leah broke her promise and Allie needs to know why.

Her parents hover. Her friends try to support her. And Nick, sweet Nick, keeps calling and flirting. Their sympathy only intensifies her grief.

But the more she clings to Leah, the more secrets surface. Allie’s not sure which is more distressing: discovering the truth behind her sister’s death or facing her new reality without her.

 Amazon . Barnes&Noble . BooksAMillion . !ndigo . IndieBound

Make your purchase from Amazon or Barnes&Noble
and support the Booked All Night Podcast.

The Homecoming

They say you can never go home—and John’s about to find out just how true that is.

 John’s mother kicked him out of the house when she couldn’t handle his anger, and John’s spent the last few years bouncing between relatives. But after his last scrape with the law, there’s nowhere for him to go but home.

 Starting senior year at a new high school and fitting into the family that shut him out is a challenge. And it’s all that John can do to keep from turning back to bad habits. Lacrosse training helps him focus. As does Emily, the girl next door. She’s sweet and smart, and makes him think his heart may finally be healing. Maybe he’s ready to trust again. But tragedy has a way of finding John…and this time, it’s more than just his future on the line.


 Amazon . Barnes&Noble . BooksAMillion . !ndigo . IndieBound

Make your purchase from Amazon or Barnes&Noble
and support the Booked All Night Podcast.


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