tumblr_niwh2bjVFL1qj97xmo1_500Hinges is a beautifully illustrated graphic novel by Meredith McClaren, featuring work from her webcomic. Hinges is the story of Orio, a new doll who just came to Cobble. Every doll is partnered with an Odd, a type of pet and companion. When Orio is sent to the basement to pick out her Odd, she is chosen by Bauble, a sort of imp who looks dirty and thrown back.

Orio must be placed in a job but it doesn’t seem like she’s good at anything, except mending. 

13941455The artwork is absolutely stunning and well worth the look. My one and only issue with the book is that I think it should have been longer. Not only because I was enjoying it, but because I don’t feel like enough was explained.

I was left with a lot of questions at the end and that’s aggravating for any length of work.

But even with that one issue, I still absolutely loved this graphic novel and it should definitely be a part of everyone’s library.


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